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How reiki, spirituality and faith help me accept life with a rare disease

By Em Cao

Less than two weeks before my 19th birthday, I was diagnosed with a rare bone disorder—Gorham-Stout Disease (GSD). Gorham-Stout Disease, also known as vanishing bone disease, is characterised by a progressive loss of the cortex of the bone.

Nothing felt real.

Everything I thought I knew about myself and the world up until that point began crashing down. Nothing felt real. I had experienced 18 years of life as a healthy human, how could this be happening to me now? How could this be my reality?

After extensive X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and a bone scan, I learned GSD had ravaged the bone around my hips and pelvic girdle. No wonder I was in so much pain. Looking back, I had wished I saw the signs sooner. I had been experiencing pain in my hips and a limp in my walk for a year before my diagnosis. I thought it was because I was exercising improperly. Boy, was I wrong.

Questioning God

Now seven years into my initial diagnosis, it’s been a journey to accept that I’m experiencing this disease, along with a subsequent physical disability due to it. At 19, I could no longer walk, run, or dance on my own two feet. I needed the assistance of mobility equipment, such as a walker, crutches, or a cane to be ambulatory.

At first, I felt like I was at the effect of my life. Life was happening TO me. I questioned my faith. “If God were real, why would they let me experience this? What did I do to deserve this?” I would ask myself. I would get no answer. I felt devastated, depressed, anxious, angry, and frustrated. I was a victim to this twisted tale.

Gaining faith again

As I entered my 20s, I started getting into meditation, mindfulness, astrology, and spirituality. I began reading personal development and spirituality books. The learnings I received from these practices and tools helped me to feel more accepting of my new life with a rare disease. I started to reframe my mindset after reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It taught me how to take control of my life and move out of victimhood. I also started speaking kindlier to and about myself.

It wasn’t until I read The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer that it sparked a relationship with God again. It taught me that nothing I was experiencing had anything to do with who I was as a person. I wasn’t a bad person who deserved to experience pain. Maybe I was chosen to have this experience so I could be a light to others having similar experiences. I started trusting the Universe again. I started to gain faith. I felt an overwhelming sense of love and connection to Spirit that has only continued to grow.

*Note: I use Universe, Source, Spirit, God synonymously.

Discovering the healing benefits of reiki

In the Spring of 2022, I experienced reiki for the first time in a seminar at a local holistic expo. The group reiki session created an overwhelming feeling of delight within me that I only felt when I meditated.

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and inner peace. Rei means ‘spiritually guided’ and Ki means ‘life force energy.’

I had heard of reiki before but I didn’t know what it would feel like. After I left the seminar, I felt so relaxed, clear, and light. Even my pain felt reduced in that moment. I knew from then on, my relationship with reiki was just beginning.

Becoming A reiki practitioner

I then booked an individual reiki session, which was extremely healing and transformative. I started to wonder if this could be something I could do too. Less than a year later, I signed up for classes to get certified in Reiki Level I and Level II. The ability to heal myself had persuaded me to pursue Level I. Now, whenever I have physical pain or feel an emotional low, I facilitate a self-reiki session which always helps me feel better in every sense. I even meditate with reiki.

Before I was diagnosed with GSD, I had wanted to be a doctor. I realised that becoming a doctor 1) would be physically difficult for me and 2) it wasn’t actually my dream. When reiki came into my life, I realised what was true—that what I always wanted to do was help people. So, when I discovered I could also help facilitate the healing of others, I jumped at the opportunity to get certified in Reiki Level II. I knew I was meant to be a healer, maybe not in the medical community, but in the spiritual.

Me now

I’m 26 years old. When I think back to the 19-year-old me who was recently diagnosed, I feel so much love, compassion, and grace for her. She did the best with what she knew at the time.

Currently, I work as a reiki practitioner and as a life coach. I get to work from home and occasionally do in-person sessions. I use a wheelchair to get around, which has helped give me so more independence and live a (much less) pain-free life. I’ve even begun to re-explore my love of traveling, now as a wheelchair user. I went on my first solo trip to Texas in April of this year to see the total eclipse — it was an unforgettable experience.

Now, I’m in the process of building my business, so I can continue to help more people. I teach people how to remove their limits so they can lead fulfilling, authentic lives. If it wasn’t for everything that happened in my life, I wouldn’t have the tools, knowledge, and ability to help others in this capacity. My journey with GSD led me down a spiritual path—one that has connected me to my soul’s purpose—to live an authentic life where I get to help others do the same.

I am finally at cause for my life. I now know that life is happening FOR me, not TO me. This knowing wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for reiki and my relationship with God/Universe/Source/Spirit.

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